Cherries date back as far back as 300 B.C. and are named after the Turkish town of Cerasus. In the Niagara Peninsula cherries have been enjoyed not only for their luscious sweet, tart flavour, but also for their magnificent beauty during the blossom period. There are mainly two types of cherries, sweet cherries and tart (sour) cherries. Look for our fresh new cherry pail design!

Fresh Cherries

Fresh Cherries

Fresh cherry season is a favourite for many consumers. Vineland Growers offers both sweet and red tart cherries fresh off the tree! Both are great for a snack out of hand and included in fresh summer salads.

Available: Early July

Fresh Pitted Red Tart Cherries

Fresh Pitted Red Tart Cherries

A smaller, round and softer cherry that is sold pitted and in pails. These cherries are very tart eaten out of hand and have a desirable, sweet zing when used in baking or preserved. Ideal for cherry pies!

Available: Mid July

Fresh Pitted Sweet Cherries

Fresh Pitted Sweet Cherries

These dark, heart shaped, cherries are firm, juicy and sweet. We offer sweet cherries in pails for easy use in cooking and baking. Available: Early – Mid July


Tart Cherry MojitosAdding simple syrup made with tart cherry juice and muddling a few extra Ontario cherries creates a mojito worthy of a celebration. Although this drink is so delicious you might just want to celebrate everyday!
Red Tart Cherry CheesecakeAlways impressive to serve, all you have to do is assemble this simple dessert and relax as the compliments pour in!