One of the main crops of the Niagara Peninsula, peaches are a seasonal favourite. Mature and firm peaches become sweet and juicy with a soft flesh and a fuzzy skin. They can be enjoyed out of hand or in many sweet or savoury dishes. We offer three varieties of peaches, Semi-freestone, Free-stone and Clingstone.
The Semi-freestone peach arrives first in the growing season and includes varieties such as Harrow Diamond and Garnet Beauty.
Available: Mid July
The pit in the Freestone peach separates easily from the fruit. Our most popular peach is the Redhaven which arrives at the peak of our peach season.
Available: Early-Mid August
Commonly referred to as Baby Gold peaches, the flesh of the Clingstone peach is firmly attached to the pit. These peaches with their distinct flavour and firm flesh are perfect for canning.
Available: Late August